Sunday, August 2, 2009

Good Grief, Charlie Brown!

Yeah, I know. It's been a while. Lots of exciting things have happened since I last blogged. Too much to go into detail so time for a ...... wait for it .... wait for it ....

Bullet Blog!!!
  • My stepdaddy, Papa James, passed away in May after a looooong stay in the hospital.
  • Been helping Mama clear up paperwork and get settled into her new life situation.
  • We've survived summer and came out on the other side as a normal (hah!) functioning (hah!) family.
  • Beach trip was awesome. Jonesing to go back.
  • School starts for the boys next Thursday. Liam's going into Kindergarten and Zack into 6th grade.
  • School shopping done for the boys. Time for Mommy's wardrobe update now!
  • If you'd like to nominate me for "What Not To Wear" I promise I won't be offended. A $5000 shopping spree in New York City with two stylists? I'm there!

I guess that catches you up to speed with our lives. Oh, yeah! I almost forgot! One more bullet:
  • I turned 40.

I know, hard to believe, huh? I still feel like a teenager. Except when I get out of bed in the mornings. Then I feel like I'm not a day over 80. Thanks, early onset osteoarthritis. You're a true pal!

Anyway, I'm going to try my best to keep this blog updated so I can at least look back at my life every few months and say, "Man! I'm glad I'm not this chick! Surely she's making some of this stuff up!" Then I'll realize its me and I'll get depressed and head straight to the nearest Kohl's for some retail therapy.

Happy shopping, y'all!