Monday, January 12, 2009

By the Way, Liam's F-I-V-E Now!!!

Yep, in the midst of all the excitement that happened over the holidays, Liam turned FIVE years old on January 2nd!! Can you believe it? My little Nogginator is five. Seems like just yesterday that I was sending out pregnancy updates, calling them, "The Peanut Project."

He's so grown up now. He's all about dirtbikes and four-wheelers and football and dirt and BB guns (Red Ryder, with a compass in the stock and this thingy which tells time. Quick, name that movie!).

And trucks and dirt and cartoons and hunting bears (in his mind only!) and more dirt and camping and ..... did I mention dirt?

And he's so funny without even trying. Have I ever told you about him "Pulling a Kostanza?"

Remember the tv show "Seinfeld?" Of course you do. Well, the character George Kostanza liked to be unencumbered when he did #2 in the bathroom. Understand what I'm saying? No?

Ok, he liked to strip nekkid when he dropped thunder. Better now?

Anyway, Liam likes to do the same thing. No matter where we are. At home? Perfect. Strip him down and put on cartoons in my bathroom and he's in heaven. Wal-Mart? Drop 'em if you got 'em! He's an equal-opportunity stripper.

No matter how hard we try to convince him otherwise, he insists on being nude when he poos. His college buddies are going to be thrilled aren't they?

Happy Birthday, Lou-Lou! I love you!