Thursday, January 8, 2009

I'm Strokin'!

Ok, so Mom didn't have a seizure, it was a stroke instead. A small one, thank God, but it was still a stroke.

Our trip to the neurologist was productive. Her CT scan showed calcification in her brain which makes her a prime candidate for a massive stroke. Guess we should be thankful for the dress rehearsal her body gave us last week, huh?

Anyway, she's had lots of tests and scans already - results should be in today - and more scheduled for next week. Not sure what else they might find but what's there so far is a little scary but at least we know what's going on.

As we drove away from the neurologist's office we were both sort of quiet and careful with what we said to each other. We were both scared and still a little bit in shock. We started talking about what happened to her on New Years Day.

"There y'all were, thinking I was having a seizure when I was really stroking," she said in her sweet, soft Southern drawl.

Then all of a sudden she started laughing and said, "Remember that old Clarence Carter song, 'Strokin'?' That's my new theme song! 'I'm STROKIN'! Strokin' to the East, Strokin' to the West, Strokin' to the one that I love the best!"

Yep, we both almost wet our pants! Thank heavens for Poise pads, eh?

TMI? Sorry. You know I have a problem with that sometimes. I'll keep you all posted.

Princess PeePee Pants


  1. I love how you start these with "Okay, so....." BTW - tell everyone that we are celebrating, and I mean CELEBRATING, Mom's birthday tomorrow!!!

  2. We will be praying for your Mom. Are they going to do anything about the calcification issue?

    Steve & Allison

  3. Keep her spirits up, that's the best medicene. She'll be in our prayers.
